Oh, hey there, every day routine.
Remember that schedule we just talked about in the last post? Well, there are some weekends when you just need to throw it out the window.
Yes, this past weekend we decided to squeeze in three little vacations into just a few days. First, we headed out to the farm. Andrew’s parents live on 10 acres out past Manassas, VA. We love heading out there to escape from the every day life – we spent the entire time outside, rode tractors and threw rocks into ponds. Really exciting stuff when your one or three years old. ;)
Afterwards, we headed out to Chesapeake Beach, MD. Only 35 miles from our home and a super easy drive, it was a perfect little “beach” vacation for our family (especially when 50% of us absolutely hate the car!). I’ll post more on that adventure later.
We ended our weekend with some family visitors at our home (shout out to our Uncle Kenny) and a nice Memorial Day BBQ. We saw a few people we hadn’t in a long time and shared the holiday with our neighbors as well. Can’t help but think about how incredibly grateful I am for the wonderful people God has put in our lives – and those that have laid down their life so we could live ours. What a wonderful weekend to pause to remember.
This weekend we continue the adventures as we head to celebrate the wedding of a wonderful friend back in the midwest! So nice after a few months of being at home. :)
Until next time!