You guys. I am a total sucker for the first day of school photos. My little ones started today at our nearby church preschool – and they were *sooo* excited. It’s Emily’s third year at the same school and it was Ali’s very first day today. Em ran into her classroom and had huge smiles all the way to pick-up time. Ali... was a little less sure of it all once we got there. But, she has the same teacher Emily had two years ago and I know she will love it just as much. :)
This is our third year heading to preschool and I always am tempted at the beginning of the year to buy my kids a really trendy, non-character related backpack... because honestly, who needs more Elsa in their lives ( ahem... not me...).
Here’s the deal, though. Rolling backpacks. ROLLING. I don’t care what is on the backpack if it’s somehow easy enough for my 1.5 year old to carry it herself! Ever since I gave in a year ago and got my girl a rolling backpack, it’s suddenly taken the burden *off* of me to carry her bag into school. With two little ones this year, it’s even better. My one piece of advice would be to forget the color or style of backpack... and find your little one an awesome rolling one. ;)