No momma likes to see her baby in pain. With our littlest ones, we often have to guess as to what is hurting them and even if they could tell us, they are so little there’s not much in the way of medicines we can give them.
Knowing the “zones” on your sweet baby’s little feet can help provide some relief for both you and your little one.
By the miracle of God’s design, our bodies are connected and designed to work as a single unit. Every part is connected to the other parts. Applying gentle pressure to different areas can ease discomfort in other areas of the body. A common term therapists use for this is acupressure. While you might not be a trained massage therapist, you can help your baby find comfort just in the warmth of momma’s touch and gentle pressure on his little feet.
Teething and stuffy noses are one of the most common discomforts for babies. Try gentle pressure on the lower part of baby’s big toe, just below the joint for teething discomfort. For stuffy noses, try gently squeezing the adorable little ball of each tiny toe.
The following graphic from The Baby Stuff shows more zones on baby’s feet. Next time your little one is fussy, give her a gentle foot massage.